Girl Gang

I wanted to give a little background on one of the most impactful creative collaborations that I've ever done. 

I'm so grateful for everybody who worked on this shoot because it took a lot of work/planning to get it to come together as cohesively as it did. However, as much work as it was, I would do it all over again just to be able to bond more with these women, and to create beautiful content.

From Left to Right:Chandler, Maggie, Amberley, Jen, Olive

From Left to Right:

Chandler, Maggie, Amberley, Jen, Olive

Never before in my life did I have a group of girls who I could relate to so well. These women empowered me, they hyped me up, they made me feel welcome and loved, supported everything I did and do, and that's how it should be.. right? For the longest time I thought that I would never find that: MY Girl Gang, and it's one of the best things to ever happen to me. What really gets me though, is that they're not just girls that I can be friends with, they're creative, strong, and kind women, and it is SO rare to find individuals like that, much less and entire group of them!

It's amazing what we created together. 

Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. –Judy Garland

Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. –Judy Garland

Our stylist and one of the models was the wonderful Jen Hucko.

She's the link that brings us all together, and the one who gave me a chance to meet the rest of the wonderful women in the group. 

I love her because she's always willing to learn and create. 



Look at FULL ALBUM here.


These photos are also mostly taken from a downward angle to also give the illusion of dominance because "Strong women should never have to bend to the will of men".